
Data protection

Important legal information

Please read the following conditions carefully before continuing. Persons who log on to the www.montetamaro.ch of Monte Tamaro SA (MT) signify their agreement to the following conditions.

General terms and conditions

The general terms and conditions apply at www.tamaropark.ch


We treat your data confidentially.
Protecting your personal data and personal privacy is important to us. We guarantee to process your personal data in compliance with the requirements of data protection legislation. In short, we adhere strictly to the following principles when processing your personal data:

You decide how your personal data will be processed.
The law says that you can refuse at any time to allow your data to be processed, withdraw your consent to its collection and processing or ask for your data to be deleted.

We offer you added value when we process your data.
We use your data exclusively to provide you with a service and to offer you added value (such as personalised offers, information and support). We will therefore use your data only to help us deve-lop, deliver, optimise and evaluate our services or to improve customer relations.

We will not sell your data.
Your data will only be disclosed to the carefully selected third parties listed in this privacy state-ment and only for the purposes explicitly identified. We insist that any third parties we ask to pro-cess your data comply with our own data privacy standards.

We guarantee the security and protection of your data.
We promise to handle your data with care and to keep it safe and secure. We have put in place appropriate organisational and technical measures to safeguard your data.

Please see below for more detailed information on how we handle your data.

Monte Tamaro SA, via Campagnole, 6802 Rivera, Switzerland (MT), CHE-105.894.104, Ak­tiengesellschaft, operates the www.montetamaro.ch and is therefore responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data and the compliance of the said data processing with Swiss law.

Your trust is important to us, which is why we take the issue of data protection seriously and ensure the appropriate level of security. We of course abide by the statutory provisions of the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP), the Ordinance to the Federal Act on Data Protection (OFADP), the Telecommunications Act (TCA) and, if applicable, other data protection provi­sions, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR).

Please take note of the information below so that you know which data we collect from you and for what purposes it is used.

1 Scope and purpose of the collection, processing and use of personal data

a. when you visit www.montetamaro.ch

When you visit our website, our servers make a temporary record of each access and store it in a log file. The following data is collected and stored, without any action on your part, until it is automatically deleted by us after 12 months at the latest:

  • the IP address of the accessing computer
  • the time and date of access
  • the name and URL of the file called up
  • the website from which access is made
  • the operating system of your computer and the browser used
  • the country from which access is made and the language settings of your browser
  • the name of your Internet access provider

The said data is collected and processed for the purpose of allowing you to use our website establishing a connection), ensuring system security and stability in the long term and allowing our internet offering to be optimised, as well as for internal statistical purposes. This is our le­gitimate interest in the processing of data within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The IP address in particular is used in order to determine the country of residence of the visitor to the website and set the language of the website accordingly. The IP address is also analysed for investigation and prevention purposes in the event of an attack on the network infrastructure of montetamaro.ch or if other abuse or misuse of the website is suspected and, if applicable, during a criminal procedure to identify and take action against the relevant users under civil and criminal law.

When you visit our website, we also use what are known as pixels and cookies to display ad­vertising that is personalised for you and to use web analysis services. Further details of this can be found in Sections 5 and 6 of this privacy policy.

b. when you use our contact form

You have the option of using a contact form to get in touch with us. Doing so requires that you enter the following personal data:

  • Title (optional)
  • First name and surname
  • Address (street, number, town/city, postcode) (optional)
  • Telephone number (optional)
  • E-mail address

We will mark the mandatory entries in the form with a *. If this information is not provided, it may make it difficult for us to render our services. Providing other information is optional and has no effect on the use of our website.

We only use this data in order to answer your queries in an optimum manner and in a way that is tailored to you. The processing of your contact request constitutes our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. You can object to this data processing at any time (for contact details, see further below, Section 13).

c. when you register for our newsletter

You have the option of subscribing to our newsletter through our website. Registration is re­quired in order to do so. As part of the registration, the following data must be provided:

  • Title
  • First name and surname
  • E-Mail-Adresse

The data above is essential for data processing. We process this data in order to personalise the information and offers sent to you and to better align ourselves to your interests.

By registering, you give your agreement to the data provided being processed for regular dis­patch of the newsletter to the address you provided, for the statistical analysis of user behaviour and optimisation of the newsletter. Your consent constitutes our legal basis for the processing of your e-mail address in the sense of art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. We are entitled to commission third parties with the technical processing of advertising measures and to pass your data on for this purpose (see under Section 2).

At the end of each newsletter is a link which you can use to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. When unsubscribing you have the option to let us know the reason you are doing so. Once you have unsubscribed, your personal data will be deleted. Further processing shall take place only in anonymised form for the purpose of optimising our newsletter.

We expressly point to the data analysis during the newsletter distribution (see Section 9).

e. when booking

We collect the following personal data to book:

  • Title (optional)
  • Academic or professional titles (optional)
  • First name and surname
  • Company (optional)
  • E-mail address
  • Street and number
  • Postcode
  • Town/city
  • Country
  • Telephone number

This personal data is processed by our partner and only used, stored and archived to perform the contract. Use of the data is governed and restricted by a contract data processing agree­ment between MT and its partners. This processing is based on the taking of steps prior to entering into a contract and the performance of a contract within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 point b GDPR.

2 Transfer of data to third parties

We pass your personal data on only if you have expressly consented to this, if there is a legal obligation to do so or if this is required in order to enforce our rights, in particular in order to enforce claims resulting from the relationship between you and Lucerne Tourism.

We also pass your data on to third parties where this is required in conjunction with use of the website in order to provide you with the services requested or to analyse your user behaviour. If this is required for the purposes specified in the preceding sentence, your data may also be passed on to third parties abroad. If the website contains links to websites of third parties, Lu­cerne Tourism will no longer have any influence on the collection, processing, storage or use of personal data by third parties once you click on such links and assumes no responsibility in this regard. For more information about the processing of your personal data by the linked websites, please consult the relevant privacy policy of the websites.

3 Transfer of personal data abroad

Lucerne Tourism is entitled to also pass your personal data on to third-party companies (com­missioned service providers) abroad, where this is required for the data processing described in this privacy policy. The said third-party companies are obliged to protect your data to the same extent as we are. If the level of data protection in a country does not correspond to the level of data protection in Switzerland or the European Union, we ensure by contractual means that the protection of your personal data corresponds to that in Switzerland or the European Union at all times.

4 Data Security

We take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect any of your per­sonal data that we have stored from manipulation, partial or complete loss and unauthorised access by third parties. Our security measures are constantly being improved in line with tech­nological developments.

You should always treat your payment information as confidential and close the browser win­dow once you have ended your communication with us, particularly if you are on a shared com­puter.

We also take data privacy within our organisation very seriously. Our employees and the ser­vice providers commissioned by us are obliged to maintain confidentiality and comply with our data protection provisions. In addition, they are only granted access to personal data to the necessary extent.

5 Cookies

Cookies help in many ways to make your visit to our website simpler, more pleasant and more meaningful. Cookies are information files that your web browser automatically stores on your computer’s hard drive when you visit our website. Cookies neither damage your computer’s hard drive nor do they transfer the user’s personal data to us.

We use cookies, for example, in order to personalise the information, offers and advertisements that you see and to better align ourselves to your individual interests. Their use does not mean that we receive new personal data about you as an online visitor.

Most Internet browsers accept cookies automatically. It is possible, however, to configure your browser so that no cookies are stored on your computer or so that a message will always ap­pear when you receive a new cookie. On the following pages, you will find an explanation of how to configure the processing of cookies in the most common browsers:

Disabling cookies may prevent you from being able to use all of the features on our website

6 Tracking tools

a. Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphithe­atre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States. Google Analytics uses methods which enable website usage to be analysed, such as cookies (see Section 5 Cookies). The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website such as

  • the navigation path taken by a user on the website
  • the time spent on the website or a sub-page
  • the sub-page from which the website is left
  • the country, region or city from which the website is accessed
  • the device (type, version, colour depth, resolution, width and height of the browser win­dow)
  • whether the user is a new or repeat visitor
  • the browser type/version
  • the operating system used
  • the referrer URL (page visited previously)
  • the host name of the accessing computer (IP address)
  • the time of the server access

is transferred to servers at Google, a company of the holding company Alphabet Inc., in the US and stored there (see Section 10 Note about data transfer to the US). As IP anonymisation (“anonymizeIP”) is enabled on this website, the IP address is abridged within the Member States of the European Union or in other Contracting States to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and Switzerland before being transferred. Google does not combine the anon­ymised IP address transferred by your browser for Google Analytics with other data. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the US and abridged there. In these cases, we ensure by means of contractual guarantees that Google maintains sufficient data protection levels.

The information is used to analyse website usage, compile reports about activities on the web­site and to provide other services associated with use of the website and Internet for market research purposes and needs-based website design. This information may also be transferred to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties are commissioned to process this data. According to Google, the IP address will not be linked to other data concerning users under any circumstances.

Users may prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and relating to their website usage (including their IP address) for Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available here:


Instead of downloading the browser plugin, users can click on this link to prevent Google Ana­lytics from collecting data on this website in future. An opt-out cookie will then be stored on the user’s device. If users delete cookies (see Section 5 Cookies), the link must be clicked again.

For more information, please see Google’s Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.

7 Social Media Plug-Ins

The social plugins described below are used on our website. The plugins are disabled on our website as standard and therefore do not send any data. By clicking on the corresponding so­cial media button, you can enable the plugins (known as the Shariff solution).

If these plugins are enabled, your browser establishes a direct connection with the servers for the relevant social networks as soon as you call up one of our websites. The content of the plugins is transferred from the social network to your browser directly and integrated by your browser into the website. The plugins can of course be disabled again with just a click of the mouse.

For more information, please see the respective privacy statements and terms of use of Facebook.

a. Social Plugins from Facebook

Social plugins from Facebook are used on our website to make our online presence more per­sonal. We use the “LIKE” or “SHARE” buttons for this purpose. This is an offering from US com­pany Facebook Inc. (1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA).

By integrating the plugin, Facebook receives the information that your browser has called up the corresponding website, even if you do not own a Facebook account or are not logged in to Fa­cebook. This information (including your IP address) is transferred by your browser to one of Facebook’s servers in the United States and stored there. If you are logged in to Facebook, Facebook may assign the visit to our website to your Facebook account directly. If you interact with the plugins, for example the “LIKE” or “SHARE” button, the corresponding information is likewise transferred to one of Facebook’s servers directly and stored there. The information is published on Facebook and shown to your Facebook friends.

Facebook may use this information for the purposes of advertising, market research and needs-based design for Facebook pages. For this reason, usage, interests and relationship profiles are created by Facebook, e.g. in order to analyse your use of our website with respect to the adver­tisements placed on Facebook, to inform other Facebook users about your activity on our web­site and to provide other services associated with your use of Facebook.

If you do not want Facebook to assign the data collected about your online presence to your Facebook account, you must log out of Facebook before visiting our website. The purpose and scope of data collection and further processing and use of the said data by Facebook as well as your rights in this respect and settings options in order to protect your privacy can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy.

8 Links to our social media pages

On our website, we have incorporated links to our social media profiles on the following social networks:

  • Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States
  • Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States
  • YouTube LLC., 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, United States
  • Instagram LLC., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States

If you click on the relevant symbols for the social networks, you will automatically be redirected to our profile on the corresponding network. To use the relevant network’s functions, you will sometimes have to log into your user account for that network.

If you click on a link to one of our social media profiles, a direct connection is established be­tween your browser and the server of the relevant social network. The network will therefore receive the information that you are visiting our website with your IP address and have opened the link. If you open a link to a network while you are logged in to your account for the relevant network, the content of our page may be linked to your profile on the network, meaning that the network can directly assign your visit to our website to your user account. If you wish to prevent this, you should log out before clicking on this kind of link. This assignment will happen anyway if you log in to the relevant network after clicking the link.

9 Analysis of newsletter use

This website uses the services of MailChimp to send newsletters. This service is provided by Rocket Science Group LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.

MailChimp is a service which organizes and analyzes the distribution of newsletters. If you provide data (e.g. your email address) to subscribe to our newsletter, it will be stored on MailChimp servers in the USA.

MailChimp is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield. The Privacy Shield is an agreement between the European Union (EU) and the US to ensure compliance with European privacy standards in the United States.

We use MailChimp to analyze our newsletter campaigns. When you open an email sent by MailChimp, a file included in the email (called a web beacon) connects to MailChimp’s servers in the United States. This allows us to determine if a newsletter message has been opened and which links you click on. In addition, technical information is collected (e.g. time of retrieval, IP address, browser type, and operating system). This information cannot be assigned to a specific recipient. It is used exclusively for the statistical analysis of our newsletter campaigns. The results of these analyses can be used to better tailor future newsletters to your interests.

If you do not want your usage of the newsletter to be analyzed by MailChimp, you will have to unsubscribe from the newsletter. For this purpose, we provide a link in every newsletter we send. You can also unsubscribe from the newsletter directly on the website.

Data processing is based on Art. 6 (1) (a) DSGVO. You may revoke your consent at any time by unsubscribing to the newsletter. The data processed before we receive your request may still be legally processed.

The data provided when registering for the newsletter will be used to distribute the newsletter until you cancel your subscription when said data will be deleted from our servers and those of MailChimp. Data we have stored for other purposes (e.g. email addresses for the members area) remains unaffected.

For details, see the MailChimp privacy policy at https://mailchimp.com/legal/terms/.

10 Note about data transfer to the US

For the sake of completeness, we would like to point out to users residing or based in Switzer­land that in the US there are monitoring measures taken by the US authorities that generally allow the storage of all personal data relating to all persons whose data has been transferred from Switzerland to the US. This happens without differentiation, limitation or exception on the basis of the aim pursued and without an objective criteria that makes it possible to limit access to the data by US authorities and its later use to very specific, strictly limited purposes that may justify the intervention associated with both access to this data and use thereof. We would also like to point out that there are no judicial remedies in place in the US for affected persons from Switzerland that would make it possible to receive access to the data relating to them and to have this corrected or deleted, as well as no effective legal protection against general access rights by US authorities. We refer the persons affected explicitly to this legal and factual situa­tion so that they can make an appropriately informed decision on whether or not to consent to their data being used.

For users residing in EU Member States, please note that, from the point of view of the Euro­pean Union, the US does not have sufficient data protection levels due, inter alia, to the issues mentioned in this section. To the extent that we have explained in this privacy policy that recipi­ents of data (such as Google, Facebook and Twitter) are located in the US, we will either based on a contract or by securing certification of these companies under the EU-US -Privacy Shield ensure that your data is protected at an appropriate level by our partners.

11 Right to information, correction, erasure and restriction of processing; Right to data portability

You have the right to receive information about the personal data that we store about you free of charge upon request. In addition, you have the right to correct inaccurate data and the right to delete your personal data, as far as there is no statutory storage obligation or another legal basis for the processing in the sense of art. 6 GDPR that allows us to continue processing the data.

You also have the right to reclaim from us the data you have given us (right to data portability). On request, we also pass the data on to a third party of your choice. You have the right to re­ceive the data in a common file format.

You can reach us for the aforementioned purposes via the e-mail address info@montetamaro.ch. We may, at our sole discretion, require proof of identity to process your requests.

12 Data Storage

We only store personal information for as long as it is necessary

  • to use the above tracking advertising and analysis services within the scope of our legiti­mate interest
  • to carry out services that you requested or to which you have given your consent (for ex­ample, to newsletter pursuant to pSection 9)to the extent specified above.
  • to comply with legal obligations.

Contract data is kept longer by us, as this is required by statutory storage requirements. Reten­tion requirements that oblige us to keep data arise from accounting and tax regulations. Ac­cording to these regulations, business communications, closed contracts and accounting docu­ments must be kept for up to 10 years. As far as we no longer need this data to carry out the services for you, the data will be blocked. This means that the data may then only be used for accounting and for tax purposes.

13 Contact

If you have any questions about data protection on our website, would like more information or want to ask for your data to be erased, please contact us by completing the relevant online con­tact form or sending an e-mail to info@montetamaro.ch.

You can also send a letter to the following address:

Monte Tamaro SA
via Campagnole
CH-6802 Rivera

14 Right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority

If you reside in an EU Member State, you have the right to file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority at any time.

15 General

This page was last amended on January, 2020. If you have any questions or remarks about our legal indications or data protection, please contact us at info@montetamaro.ch

16 Netiquette

We do not want to see any infringing, offensive or unlawful statements and discussions in our timeline. If user, our company or any third parties are defamed, we reserve the right to delete these posts without comment.